Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Thanks for stoppin' by!

I've always been a cowgirl at heart. I didn't grow up on a ranch, but a farm in the midwest was the next best thing. From the earliest memories I have, a cowgirl was all I wanted to be. Roy Rogers was my hero (now you know how old I am!). My favorite toys were a stick horse with a red plastic head with white features and my trusty set of six shooters and holster. I think I had dolls, too, but they were mainly "extras" (along with my 2 little sisters) in my great cowgirl adventures. Nowdays, besides being a grandma, I have 2 horses and live on a farm with cows, so I'm pretty happy! There's lots to being a cowgirl and I'll be sharing lots of facts and fun stuff as the days go by.

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