I have a collection of little decorative western boots. Some are toothpick holders, some are handcarved wooden boots and some are metal. I have a few that are vintage styles and some that are modern decorative items. I really enjoy looking for different styles of boots to add to my western collection. I have added some information here about the benefits of collecting western items.
People from around the world have been fascinated with the west ever since Buffalo Bill started his famous Wild West show. The antiques and collectibles that show the true history of the west have become very popular over the last decade.
Saddles, spurs, bits, chaps, Hollywood Western memorabilia, native American articles, Custer memorabilia and really anything used by the cowboy on the range have become very sought-after.
There are so many categories of western memorabilia that the hardest part of becoming a collector is trying to decide what to collect. Collecting Western objects is really quite similar to collecting decorative objects. Basically, you should collect what you like, but remember that condition is important, and the rarer the item the better.
Saddles are the one item that was probably the most important to the cowboy. They usually bring the most money at auctions. The earliest saddles, of course, are the most desirable. You should look for condition, style, decoration and rarity. Saddles that are heavily decorated with silver are the most desirable.
Some of the most desirable items to collect are bits and spurs. Iron spurs adorned with silver are very popular as are silver decorated bits. These items are much fancier than the bits and spurs that are sold in western stores today.
Hollywood memorabilia has always been a great item to collect. Clothing worn by actors and actresses in famous Western Movies are fetching very high prices at auctions. Also items belonging to famous western people such as Gen. George Custer, Sitting Bull, Bill Cody, Wild Bill Hickok, Annie Oakley and more continue to increase in value.
Considering the speed with which the market has grown in the last 10 years, then Western memorabilia will soon be one of the most popular collectible areas around. Some believe cowboys are a dying breed and we need to preserve their memory and history. A great resource you might want to check out is "Collecting Western Memorabilia" by Tim Lasiuta. This book clearly shows the facts behind the new Western Collectibles movement and would be a great addition to the Western Collection.
Check out some of the great western collectible deals at