The local fair and rodeo was last week. Of course, it always lands on the hottest
days of the year, but that doesn't stop us from having a really great time. My granddaughter is learning to show my quarterhorse, so we had the horse at the fair for 4 days. Haley did a great job and showed me what a responsible little 11 year old she is getting to be. That's her in the picture showing off her 3rd place ribbon. Not bad for the very first time she participated in a riding class. Getting her outfitted in a new western shirt and new western boots to match really paid off in her confidence level. She's gung-ho and rarin' to do more!

This shy little guy is my grandson. He also got a third place - in the Mutton bustin'. Of course, Grandma thought he had the best ride and should have gotten first, but there's always another rodeo!
Lots of people think I'm crazy to enjoy all the dirt, heat, cleaning out stalls and all the other work, but I guess it's just the cowgirl in me. Nothing better than spending time with my grandkids and my horse. I wouldn't have it any other way!